151. What are the ways to trigger change detection in Angular?
You can inject either ApplicationRef or NgZone, or ChangeDetectorRef into your component and apply below specific methods to trigger change detection in Angular. i.e, There are 3 possible ways,
1. ApplicationRef.tick(): Invoke this method to explicitly process change detection and its side-effects. It check the full component tree.
2. NgZone.run(callback): It evaluate the callback function inside the Angular zone.
3. ChangeDetectorRef.detectChanges(): It detects only the components and it's children.
152. What are the differences of various versions of Angular?
There are different versions of Angular framework. Let's see the features of all the various versions,
1. Angular 1
• Angular 1 (AngularJS) is the first angular framework released in the year 2010.
• AngularJS is not built for mobile devices.
• It is based on controllers with MVC architecture.
2. Angular 2
• Angular 2 was released in the year 2016. Angular 2 is a complete rewrite of Angular1 version.
• The performance issues that Angular 1 version had has been addressed in Angular 2 version.
• Angular 2 is built from scratch for mobile devices unlike Angular 1 version.
• Angular 2 is components based.
3. Angular 3
The following are the different package versions in Angular 2.
• @angular/core v2.3.0
• @angular/compiler v2.3.0
• @angular/http v2.3.0
• @angular/router v3.3.0
The router package is already versioned 3 so to avoid confusion switched to Angular 4 version and skipped 3 version.
4. Angular 4
• The compiler generated code file size in AOT mode is very much reduced.
• With Angular 4 the production bundles size is reduced by hundreds of KB’s.
• Animation features are removed from angular/core and formed as a separate package.
• Supports Typescript 2.1 and 2.2.
5. Angular 5
• Angular 5 makes angular faster. It improved the loading time and execution time.
• Shipped with new build optimizer.
• Supports Typescript 2.5.
6. Angular 6
• It is released in May 2018.
• Includes Angular Command Line Interface (CLI), Component Development KIT (CDK), Angular Material Package.
7. Angular 7
• It is released in October 2018.
• TypeScript 3.1
• RxJS 6.3
• New Angular CLI
• CLI Prompts capability provide an ability to ask questions to the user before they run. It is like interactive dialog between the user and the CLI
• With the improved CLI Prompts capability, it helps developers to make the decision. New ng commands ask users for routing and CSS styles types(SCSS) and ng add @angular/material asks for themes and gestures or animations.
153. What are the security principles in angular?
1. You should avoid direct use of the DOM APIs.
2. You should enable Content Security Policy (CSP) and configure your web server to return appropriate CSP HTTP headers.
3. You should Use the offline template compiler.
4. You should Use Server Side XSS protection.
5. You should Use DOM Sanitizer.
6. You should Preventing CSRF or XSRF attacks.
154. What is the reason to deprecate Web Tracing Framework?
Angular has supported the integration with the Web Tracing Framework (WTF) for the purpose of performance testing. Since it is not well maintained and failed in majority of the applications, the support is deprecated in latest releases.
155. What is the reason to deprecate web worker packages?
Both @angular/platform-webworker and @angular/platform-webworker-dynamic are officially deprecated, the Angular team realized it's not good practice to run the Angular application on Web worker
156. How do you find angular CLI version?
Angular CLI provides it's installed version using below different ways using ng command
ng v
ng version
ng -v
ng --version
and the output would be as below,
Angular CLI: 1.6.3
Node: 8.11.3
OS: darwin x64
157. What is the browser support for Angular?
Angular supports most recent browsers which includes both desktop and mobile browsers.
| Browser | Version |
|---- | --------- |
| Chrome | latest |
| Firefox | latest |
| Edge | 2 most recent major versions |
| IE | 11, 10, 9 (Compatibility mode is not supported) |
| Safari | 2 most recent major versions |
| IE Mobile | 11 |
| iOS | 2 most recent major versions |
| Android | 7.0, 6.0, 5.0, 5.1, 4.4 |
158. What is schematic?
It's a scaffolding library that defines how to generate or transform a programming project by creating, modifying, refactoring, or moving files and code. It defines rules that operate on a virtual file system called a tree.
159. What is rule in Schematics?
In schematics world, it's a function that operates on a file tree to create, delete, or modify files in a specific manner.
160. What is Schematics CLI?
Schematics come with their own command-line tool known as Schematics CLI. It is used to install the schematics executable, which you can use to create a new schematics collection with an initial named schematic. The collection folder is a workspace for schematics. You can also use the schematics command to add a new schematic to an existing collection, or extend an existing schematic. You can install Schematic CLI globally as below,
npm install -g @angular-devkit/schematics-cli
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